sábado, 23 de julio de 2016

Mew pokémon

Dicen que Mew posee el mapa genético de todos los Pokémon. Puede hacerse invisible cuando quiere, así que pasa desapercibido cada vez que se le acerca alguien.

El nombre de Mew procede de su nombre japonés, y proviene de una combinación del japonés myō (extraño o raro), la onomatopeya inglesa meow (maullido) y la palabra inglesa new (nuevo). 

No evoluciona

papercraft de mew

Name: Mew Type: Psychic Species:  New Species Pokémon Height: 0.4 m (1'04") Weight: 4.0 kg (8.8 lbs.) Interesting Facts:  Mew is a pink, bipedal Pokémon, with large blue eyes. It has a long, thin tail ending in an ovoid tip. Curiously enough, it has hair, but it's so thin that can only be seen under a microscope. Mew is said to have the DNA of every single Pokémon contained within its body, and as such is able to learn any attack. It's capable of  traveling freely in the air or underwater. It's shown as intelligent, curious, playful and even selfless. Mew can make itself invisible, but It will show itself to a person who is pure of heart.

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